The Power of Vitamin Zzz 😴
Sleep when you’re dead? If you want to get the most out of life, think again. On this week’s DoctorXDietitian weight loss and bariatric surgery podcast episode, the collab is serving up a big dose of Vitamin Zzzzzzzz! 😴
Sleep's role is just as important as diet and exercise in achieving your health goals. A lack of quality sleep alters hunger cues, negatively impacts impulse control, and raises stress and anxiety response. In addition, it can increase your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and depression.
What and when you eat plays a hugely important role in the quality of your rest. Hannah offers some applicable behavioral and nutrition tips to improve your sleep quality…TONIGHT!
If you’re stuck on a weight stall, look closely at your sleep habits for a solution. Never waste a second you can spend restoring your body with sleep!